Monday, August 31, 2009

How to install SCABB snmp real time monitoring (SNMP RTM)

If you had installed SCABB (Service Control Aplication Broadband) or if you had read scabb end user guide you will be familiar with this topic. This is a tool for network admins to monitor their network using SNMP in real time. Refer to the cisco guide, the snmp tool that we will be used are MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) and RRD (Round Robin Database) tool. MRTG will collect snmp data from sce then generate html pages, rrd tool will store data using round robin database and then generate a graph. In my Lab environment I'm using my desktop with windowsxp, scabb v3.1.6 , sce 2020.

How it works :

These are the components that will be used to install SNMP RTM:
1. MRTG-2.1.5 - download from

2. rrdtool-1.2.15 - download from

3. Active Perl 5.8 - search and download

4. Apache2 - download from

5. sca_bb v3.1.6 - download from
6. sca_bb utility - extracted from sca_bb v3.1.6

7. scabb_rtm_templates_v3.0.5A_b05 - download
8. firedaemon - search and download

9. Java (jre) 1.4.2 - download from

- mrtg for collecting snmp
- rrd tool to store data

- Active perl for running mrtg

- Apache for running web server, cgi

- scabb v3.1.6 to get scabb utility

- scabb utility for generate mrtg cfg files

- scabb rtm template for generate
cfg file refer to the template and sce configuration
- firedaemon for running scheduler
- java needs for running scabb utility

Getting started :

1. Install mrtg, perl, rrdtool in C:\

2. Install apache web-server C:\Program Files

3. Install firedaemon
4. Install java

5. Extract scabb v3.1.6, extract scabb util (bin & lib) to C:\
6. Extract scabb rtm template to C:\bin\

7. Create directory rtm-output in C:\bin\

8. Edit rtcmd.cfg file

#The absolute path to the RRD tool's execution files folder
#Use '\\' or '/' as path separator

#The absolute path where RTM files will be placed.
#This path will be used by MRTG to create and update the RRD files
#Note: path must not contain white spaces!

#The absolute path to the MRTG bin folder.
#This path will be used to create file crontab.txt

#The SCE's community string

9. Open command prompt, running this command "rtmcmd -S "ip_sce1;ipsce2" -U xxxxx -P xxxxx --pqb-sce=ip_sce1 --source-dir=/templates --dest-dir=/rtm-output -c ./rtmcmd.cfg

C:\bin\rtmcmd -S "ip_sce1;ipsce2" -U xxxxx -P xxxxx --pqb-sce=ip_sce1 --source-dir=/templates --dest-dir=/rtm-output -c ./rtmcmd.cfg
connecting to ip_sce1 ... done
retrieving service configuration from SCE ... done
disconnecting from device ... done
loading user configuration from file 'rtmcmd.cfg' ... done
processing templates from '\templates' to '\rtm-output' ... done

10. Check rtm-output directory

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C4C2-8BAA

Directory of C:\bin\rtm-output

08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir .
08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir ..
08/31/2009 10:30 AM 43 .htaccess
08/31/2009 10:30 AM 386 crontab-unix.txt
08/31/2009 10:30 AM 310 crontab-windows.txt
08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir mrtg-cfg
08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir sce_202.155.50.75
08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir sce_202.155.50.77
08/31/2009 08:16 AM dir static

11. Copy all file to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs>
12. Edit httpd Apache configuration file and add this text :

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
AllowOverride Indexes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

13. Test mrtg and mrtg cfg file with this command :

C:\Perl\bin>perl.exe c:\mrtg-2.14.5\bin\mrtg "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mrtg-cfg\ip_sce1_scabb_mrtg.cfg"

C:\Perl\bin>perl.exe c:\mrtg-2.14.5\bin\mrtg "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mrtg-cfg\ip_sce1_scabb_mrtg.cfg"

If no error appear, you can check working directory a lot of rrd files has been generated.

14. Open firedaemon, add new service definition :

Shortname : sce1
Executable : C:\Perl\bin\wperl.exe
Working Dir :C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\sce_ip_sce1
Parameters : C:\mrtg-2.14.5\bin\mrtg "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mrtg-cfg\ip_sce1_scabb_mrtg.cfg"

Start Service sce1

Shortname : sce2
Executable : C:\Perl\bin\wperl.exe
Working Dir :C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\sce_ip_sce2
Parameters : C:\mrtg-2.14.5\bin\mrtg "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mrtg-cfg\ip_sce2_scabb_mrtg.cfg"

Start service sce2

15. Open web browser and type :


And finally you will see the following display in your browser :



  1. in linux not work :S

  2. I haven't tried in linux yet, maybe there is some compatibility issue between version of java, mrtg and rrdtool. Also I found this problem when I'm installing snmprtm in windows.
